Investing Strategies | QFA
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Tactical Investing Strategies  Available for public use at no charge
Pursuant to the agreement and understanding of the below non-solicitation statements, terms, and conditions.

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This is not a solicitation to make any trade now or any other timeframe. The strategy is provided for education and for the purposes of providing the "little guy" with more investment options than traditional buy and hold.


Not for commercial use. Resale and use for the purposes of earning revenues/profits or non-financial renumeration is stricly prohibited without the express permission from QUANTITATIVE FINANCIAL ADVISORY INC. - incorporated in Alberta, Canada.

Strategy #1

S&P 500 Sector Pairs
~ Statistical Arbitrage

A long/short strategy based on investing in the S&P 500 and taking the opposite position in a variable number of its 11 component sectors (technology, energy, financial etc.) to achieve a near risk free portfolio.



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